Summer Camp Signups Now!

Every summer we offer 3 Hour Drop Off Camp for ages 3.5-6.5 Years!  Think Birthday with Themed Nonstop Dance, Fun, Games & Art Projects. Pick as many days you want to come to and SIGN UP NOW! [...]

Cinderella and Wicked Start February 3!

Join us for all the fun in our Princess Series Ballet With Tap Class as we tell the Classic story of Cinderella.   Our Broadway Series classes will be quite popular when we start the story of [...]

Performance Week January 27-February 2

We invite the family to join us in the dance room for a short performance in all classes age 3.5 and up.  Aside from great fun, this is an opportunity to show our families what we have learned [...]

50% Off All Weekday Morning Classes!*

Start any class by the Sunday February 2 and save 50% Off a Subscription through the end of 2025 while enrolled at our Huntington Beach location.  4  Once a Week/4 Class Subscriptions are $46 [...]

Classes Resume Today

Our Magical New 33rd Year Starts Today.   Request a Trial Class or Enroll Online.   Try our New Broadway Kids Classes.

Birthday Parties

Call us today about our amazing Birthday Parties. Details can be found under ” About us”Call your local studio in Los Angeles, Culver City, Torrance, West Hills, Mission Viejo, [...]

33 Years of Fun, Ballet and Joy!

Ballet, Tap, Hip Hop Dance Classes for Toddlers to Teens 16 Months to 16 Years. Over 32 years of educating and  entertaining students now serving Los Angeles, Culver City, Torrance, West Hills, [...]

Class Pricing

We will now be offering 4 Week, 4 Class Enrollments. Here is what you need to know. Classes will be sold 4 weeks, 4 classes for $88.00 Every 4 weeks new 4 new classes will be charged Additional [...]

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